dsc0110 dsc0517


Two photos of cross cultural enounters of the eyes, through the lens of my camera (photos which I made some years ago).

1.Turkish girls met in Istanbul on some conservative manifestation.

2.Jamaican girls saw in Bristol at the caribbean festival.

What did they saw?


*Special thanks to Eugenia for inspiraing me to keep going.

jyoshi babajyoshi


Jiyoshi Baba. Pushkar. 2014


Once upon a time at the burning ghat in Pushkar I’ve met a Baba. His name was Jyoshi Baba and he was old, and little bit crippled as well. He used to be a bussinesman based in Mumbai, and before he studied philosophy at university. His life as a businessman was very stressful, he also had wife and kids but no time to see them. He travelled to many countries. But one day he decided to ‘leave it all behind’.

I was interested in him as he was so diferent then other babas at that ghat. Almost none of them spoke english, but Jyoshi was diferent and his english was almost perfect.

I was visiting ghat and Jyoshi almost everyday and we became friends, talking about purpose of life while watching dead bodies being brought for cremation on the ghat. We smoked together many chillums, and Jyoshi was convincing me not to return to the West and stay in Himalayas instead. He recommend one place for retreat, but I decided to return to Europe.

He was teaching me to not be bothered with bullshit of desire. He just had his chillum and people were bringing him food. He didnt left burning ghat for many years. He just stayed there under the tree and lived his life in renounciation.



Everything what you can discover in direct experience is psychodelic in its own way. You may thought that only some substances which are called „drugs”, have psychodelic properties. But the truth is that your state of mind is being changed in every second because its in the nature of the mind to be consantly changed through the streams of energy from the environment. So the energy itself is psychodelic, understanding this concept as influential and esential force which push the conciuosness into movement.

When you are very hungry and then you will eat a bowl of cooked rice, your state of mind will move and for sure you will notice thats instant change. Think of anything, like water, air, the ground on which you are standing…- all of this is influencing your mind and thats why Im saying that its psychodelic.

So the bigest question, the Question, is inside of what we are calling as the Mind…

The cells of our body/mind are indeed a white screen on which there are displayed colorful and full of drama films of the Universe.




W ostatnich miesiącach zeszłego roku wyjechałem z UK i udałem się do Francji, by w końcu wylądować na górzystej i pełnej Słońca Korsyce.

2)1Playing golf in the city center. Edinbourgh, Scotland3 4Bilston Woods. ‘Forrest town’ with tree-houses near Edinbourgh.5

6A lot  of Apples. France/continent 7Picking apples in France.

000008Uschnięte drzewo na Korsyce.000010Marco Italiano.000012

Jurand from Polska.000013Clementines Attack000015Beaucoup mandaryna!000019Długi Jan.000020 (2)Korsykańska oaza.000020

Time for a break.27I like Lyon, really.  000024

Our bungalows in Corsica.000026 000021 (2) Village of Saint Antoine, in corsican dialect- Santu Antone.


Nabyłem niedawno drogą kupna “Fabula Rasę” Stachury.
Człowiek-nikt czy człowiek-wszystko?

Człowiek-wszystko to człowiek naszych czasów i człowiek tamtych czasów.
Człowiek-wszystko jest człowiekiem ego, niewolnikiem swoich myśli i chęci, swojego pożądania, swojej ignorancji.

Natomiast człowiek-nikt to człowiek który nie wie i nie myśli ponieważ rozumie, jest…
Człowiek-nikt to “człowiek-który-jest-stanem-twórczym, człowiek-czyn, człowiek-trzy, człowiek-tu, człowiek-teraz, człowiek-fakt, człowiek-kwiat, człowiek-ptak, człowiek-słońce, człowiek-in-flagranti, człowiek radość, człowiek-zadość, człowiek-który-nie-potrzebuje-nic.”
* FABULA RASA, E. Stachura